Reminder App - A Two - Tier Node Application (V-1)

Reminder App - A Two - Tier Node Application (V-1)

Containerization of a Two-Tier Application using Docker


2 min read

  • The Reminder Application allows users to add and remove reminders from the frontend.

  • MongoDB is utilized as the database to store reminder data.

  • Mongo Express serves as a user interface for MongoDB, facilitating easier database management.

  • Node.js serves as the middleware layer, responsible for handling business logic, database connections, and data retrieval.

  • All containers within the application use a common bridge network to facilitate communication.

This description highlights the key components of the Reminder Application architecture, including its frontend, backend, database, and container networking setup.


  • Networks: Facilitate communication between containers.

  • Volumes: Enable persistent storage for data, surviving container destruction and recreation.

  • Docker Compose: Defines and manages multi-container Docker applications using a YAML file, simplifying setup and management tasks.

What will do

This application divided into two parts :

FrontEnd :

UI : Add and Remove Reminder

Middlerware : Nodejs for Business Logic i.e Add, List, Delete etc.

BackEnd :

Mongo DB : NoSQL DB , Use for data storage

Mongo-Express : UI for MongoDB interaction

  • Steps :

    • Pull Mongo db and Mongo Express image from Docker Hub

      docker pull mongo and mongo-express

    • Create a Docker file of JS Application and build the file to create image

      docker build -t reminder-multi-stage:v1.0 . --no-cache

    • Create a Compose file [compose.yml]

      • Service : Web Mongo DB Mongo Express

      • Volume : Persistent Data store for future reference

      • Network : Declare a Network , container can communicate with the common network [ or container can use/create default network]

docker-compose -f reminder.yml up -d [detach mode]

docker-compose -f reminder.yml down [remove containers]
