Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline - SonarQube, Docker, Multistage Docker,Github Webhooks on AWS

Leveraging DevOps Tools for Efficient Development and Deployment


3 min read

Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline - SonarQube, Docker, Multistage Docker,Github Webhooks on AWS

Set up Jenkins jobs to automate tasks such as building the application, running tests, and deploying to staging or production environments.

Building a two-tier Node.js application and deploying it using a CI/CD pipeline with Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline, SonarQube, Docker, Multistage Docker Image, Docker Compose, GitHub Webhooks, and Docker Hub for image storage:

  1. Project Architecture and Setup:

    • Start by defining the architecture of your two-tier Node.js application, distinguishing between the frontend and backend layers.

    • Set up your Node.js project with a clear directory structure, ensuring modularity and adherence to best practices.

  2. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

    • Implement a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline to automate the build, test, and deployment processes.

    • Configure Jenkins jobs to execute various stages such as building, testing, and deploying the application.

  3. Static Code Analysis with SonarQube:

    • Integrate SonarQube into the CI/CD pipeline to perform static code analysis on the Node.js codebase.

    • SonarQube helps in identifying code quality issues, security vulnerabilities, and code smells, enabling early detection and remediation.

  4. Containerization with Docker:

    • Utilize Docker to containerize your Node.js application, ensuring consistency across different environments.

    • Write Dockerfiles to define the application's runtime environment and dependencies, facilitating portability and scalability.

  5. Multistage Docker Image:

    • Implement multistage Docker builds to optimize the size and efficiency of Docker images.

    • Separate the build and runtime environments within the Dockerfile to minimize image size and enhance security.

  6. Deployment with Docker Compose:

    • Define the deployment configuration using Docker Compose, enabling the orchestration of multi-container Docker applications.

    • Specify services for the frontend and backend tiers within the Docker Compose file, including dependencies and environment variables.

  7. Integration with GitHub Webhooks:

    • Configure GitHub Webhooks to trigger Jenkins jobs automatically upon code changes being pushed to the repository.

    • Webhooks facilitate seamless integration between GitHub and Jenkins, ensuring the timely execution of CI/CD pipeline stages.

  8. Docker Hub for Image Storage:

    • Utilize Docker Hub as a central registry for storing Docker images, ensuring accessibility and version control.

    • Tag Docker images with the appropriate repository name and version before pushing them to Docker Hub for storage.

  9. CI/CD Pipeline Execution:

    • Upon triggering by GitHub Webhooks, Jenkins orchestrates the CI/CD pipeline, including steps for building Docker images, running tests, and deploying the application.

    • Docker Hub is integrated into the pipeline for storing and retrieving Docker images during the deployment process.

  10. Monitoring and Maintenance:

    • Implement monitoring solutions to track the performance and health of the deployed application.

    • Regularly update Docker images stored in Docker Hub to incorporate new features, bug fixes, and security patches.

By following these steps and leveraging the mentioned tools and technologies, you can effectively build and deploy a two-tier Node.js application using a robust CI/CD pipeline.
